Monday, January 09, 2006

Thank You! 200 Posts and Counting

I hadn't realized the significance of my last post but when I went to add it to my archives I discovered that it was my 200th since I built this soapbox back in May. Knowing myself, I really didn't think I'd last here as long as this, but what I'd grossly underestimated was the number of folks who'd visit here daily to make writing for this forum as much fun and as rewarding to me as it is. Neither did I imagine that having this little place in which to discuss the things in my brain would change entirely my online habits, my usual haunts, the things on which I tended to focus my attentions and energies in my cyberspace pursuits.

Thank you to all of you who make this meaningful to me. To all of you who've helped me along the way. To all of you who've forced me to think more about things than I might have otherwise.

Most of all, thank you to those of you who've become my friends here and showed me beyond all doubt that I'm not nearly as crazy as I thought I might be because I'm in great company. ;)

And yes... Thank you to my precious cock for making this all possible. (LMAO!)
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Anonymous said...

You might still be crazy.

It's just that some of us might be crazier.


Desireous said...

Yes thank you Joe's cock!
Congrats on the 200 posts. Way to go!


Biker & Teacher said...

Congratulations! Is your cock taking a bow? Or should I say saluting?

The Teacher

PG said...

what Des said!!!!
Thank you, dear cock!
How cute you looked on that keyboard!!
I'll never look at the term 'sticky keys' the same way again!!! ;)

Darkneuro said...
