We hugged and I ordered her to the bed. There was no protestation that the daughter might awaken with us in our room with the door closed at 10 AM; Dee quietly took off her robe, laid back, and opened her thighs. I got "Mr. Big" from the backpack o' toys sensing that a bit of tongue and a finger or two might not quite hit the spot and from how easily the largest of our dildos slid cervix deep into Dee's eager hole I knew I was right. Some skilled ministrations of the tongue and a number of dildo thrusts later and Dee's buns were already tightening up in anticipation of a jolting climax. As usual, when she finally came my face had to hang on for the ride. I'd barely finished licking through her second orgasm when she implored, "Mr. V!" In a flash I got out the electric vibrator, plugged it in, and settled the business part of it in the soft dimple above Dee's hard little clitoris. I thought her sweet ass was going to bounce off the bed as the vibrator took her to the top of that first roller coaster hill of sensation and then dropped her with a few G's worth of screaming pleasure all at once. Her pussy got so tight that she squeezed the huge toy right out, but she was so damned wet that I plunged it right back in despite her tightened hole fighting against me. I love making that girl cum! There's a heapin' helpin' of great satisfaction in giving another person such obvious sexual delight, but particularly when you're in love with said person to boot.
When the last of Dee's little shudders and spasms subsided I laid myself out on the bed and told Dee to turn herself around so I could see her pussy. She moved into place and opened her legs next to me so that her bottom was facing me - the big dildo was still half buried in her so I started fucking her with it and stroking my dick at the same time. In and out it went, making all kinds of delicious juicy sounds, and all I could do was watch her pussy lips clinging to it with each stroke and play through my head a slide show of the good number of hard cocks that have enjoyed that same sweet hole. Dee reached down after a while, moved my hand to the side, and slowly drew the large toy from between her labia. Scrambling up and over she got onto knees and elbows, first taking my now swollen cock into her warm mouth, then moving south to tongue my balls - something that she knows will make my cock throb more than anything else she might do to me. As usual I didn't last long and I needed her pussy more than I needed air. "Lay back!" - this time it was my turn to use the imploring voice. I slid to the side of the bed and Dee laid back to raise her legs for me.
There's no way I can possibly describe Dee's pussy when its velvety, slick folds are wrapped around my stiff dick and she's doing that whatever she does to make it sing to me. The amazing creamy feeling of her precious body surrounding my prize piece of flesh - it makes me feel like the whole of me is somehow contained within her and it's the one place in the universe where I most need to be. Dee smiled at me and gave a little chuckle when I slid up inside her and moaned my pleasure beccause she knew that I was nearly a goner from the get go. When I started moving inside her and watching her stiff nippled, soft tits roll with the movements of our bodies, I knew it too and didn't even try to hold back my release. Maybe a minute later, two tops, I was filling her up with my joy juice and praying my usual orgasmic litany through the amazing jolts of pleasure I was feeling.
If only every morning could start like this - for everybody. At least every Monday!

There truly are no words that could
come anywhere near close to expressing
how it feels to spray up into Dee's pussy.
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