Even well before I got my paws on my first real dirty book I had discovered the Sears' and Penny's catalogs with a few see through bras showing areolas, nipples, and women in panties. And, when I had some blessed alone time somewhere I'd been known to trace Betty and Veronica from Archie comic books, but tracing only their general shapes to add nipples, pudenda, and bushes on my own. One of my first exposures to what a woman looked like "down there" came in the form of a black and white illustration - along with funny looking words like labia minora which I thought was a holiday candelabra rather than pussy parts - compliments of medical dictionaries at the bookstore downtown, as my new online buddy Ken reminded me yesterday. Mind you this was all back when I knew that looking at this stuff made my dick hard, but I didn't really know what to do with it.
So, anyway, after talking about the drawer in the workshop I was compelled last night to pay it a visit just for the hell of it. I don't know that I'll ever actually take one of the books out of it and "use" it again, but oh, what a treasure of memories I found. Seka back when she was still in her 30's. I shudder to think of how old she'd be now and what she might look like. Johnny Wadd and Kevin James when they were still alive and putting their huge tools to productive use. (No, not THAT Kevin James; the porn star Kevin James back in the 80s, who died of testicular cancer.) Ron Jeremy before he looked like Jabba the Hut. Desiree Cousteau who delivered one of the most amazing enema scenes in Pretty Peaches. All the spunk that I offered up to them in their hey day and now they're relegated to a mildewy basement drawer only to see the light of day during an occasional nostalgic foray into my pornographic past. Sigh!

A shot of the old porn drawer taken
last night in a sweet nostalgic moment.
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