Monday, November 14, 2005

If I Had a Hammer...

I never anticipated making a new set of friends online when I started writing this blog. In fact, I had so many regular correspondents already that if I thought I'd end up with more I might've balked back in May when I penned my first piece here. Things have a way of happening, because they're supposed to, though. I never really believed that for most of my life, but a wonderful friend hammered it into my head a few years ago, and I grudgingly admit that I really believe it now. Sometimes, all it takes is a good hammering.

I sit here daily reading the writings of some of my new friends, and at times I wish I could go around knocking some sense into a few heads that could use a good hammering. I'd start with AAG's WorkingBoy, pay a visit to EE's D1, and take it from there. I so much want all of you to be happy and I hate being powerless to do anything about the unhappiness. I wish I had a magic wand. But a hammer will do.

Ironically, Alex Trebek on Jeopardy just said the word "hammered" in a clue as I was keying the last sentence, so it was Kismet that I wrote this entry just now. I can watch Monday Night Football later content in knowing that I just wrote what I was supposed to write today. "Things have a way of happening, because they're supposed to..." And, there you have it. (Cue Twilight Zone theme.)

Three months from today is Valentine's Day. Plan something nice!


Biker & Teacher said...

QUOTE: Ironically, Alex Trebek on Jeopardy just said the word "hammered" in a clue as I was keying the last sentence, so it was Kismet that I wrote this entry just now. I can watch Monday Night Football later content in knowing that I just wrote what I was supposed to write today. "Things have a way of happening, because they're supposed to..." And, there you have it.

You are right that things happen because they are supposed to, however let me bring this up. Is it really ironic? According to the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle; observation changes the predictable outcome of an unobserved event. So, by just writing the word “hammer” and by watching Jeopardy; you, Joe, may have changed the entire outcome of this night’s episode of Jeopardy as well as the lives of all the people that were on the show.

You are powerful! UUUMMM!

The Teacher

Anonymous said...

I appreciate the offer. Think it will work?

Dee's Husband Joe said...

Teacher, considering that Jeopardy shows are taped in advance, I find any causality between what I typed and the outcome of the game to be suspiciously dubious at best, all due respect to Heisenberg granted.

AAG, I wish it could. I'd hammer paradiddles all over his noggin for you if it would.

EE, certainly! May I recommend a nice ball peen, perhaps?

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Joe, but he's going to have to figure out a way to hammer in his own paradiddles. No one else's paradiddles would be effective.